Friday, October 28, 2011

danish modern revival -updates

Purchased at a community yard sale for $1 each, these Danish gems will be a nice compliment to our lil' dining nook.  All they need is a bit of TLC to make them sing again... after pics coming soon!

 Some more images of the process of refinishing these lil gems are below. I tried to do some research to see what colors these chairs were available in and if the paint was a later addition. These are the closest images I found so I decided to replicate the look. 

 They were in pretty bad condition when we bought them so I started off by scrubbing them down with an all natural comet like cleanser and a sanding sponge. Most of the paint came off instantly, thus I was determined to strip them further by sanding.  The back spindles and legs revealed a nice golden oak. The seat was made of particle board and plywood so I decided to repaint that surface and stain the other parts with a natural tung oil finish.  I used a can of enamel paint I bought at the paint store in the mis-tint section for $1.50. Lucky for me, it was a close match to the original color.   Here they are so far...

 finished pics coming soon!

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